If you have attempted all the fad diets with little success, why not try something that has worked for two thousand years, acupuncture for weight loss. You may disagree, but listen to me from this; if the same kind of stuff isnt working, why not try something new that pushes the envelope a bit. Acupuncture for weight loss?
I did some research. With origins from China, acupuncture is one of the oldest & most commonly used medical procedures in the world. If you are looking for an alternative solution weight loss solution, you may want to try acupuncture. Acupuncture for weight loss became popular is 2003 when CNN reported on successful acupuncture weight loss clinics in China. A rise in obesity in China led to the practice of acupuncture for weight reduction because Chinese medicinal theory says that overweight people have imbalanced digestive systems.
Acupuncture can assist you lose weight by building up your digestive system. Doing this helps control your urge for food and therefore weight loss is achieved. Some ideas claim that acupuncture boosts metabolism causing you to burn calories quicker. Acupuncture for weight loss involves poking your skin with thin stainless steel fine needles that are relocated yourself or by electric activation. Sometimes the needles are coupled with lasers.
The needles are left set up for about half an hour. You will probably feel heat, tingling and numbness perhaps. As well as the weight loss that can be achieved with acupuncture, you can also regulate your menstrual cycle, alleviate mood swings, and eliminate fatigue. 1. A health care provider gives you an natural prescription that is to be taken each week. 2. The doctor is stopped at by you for some treatments.
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After the fourth treatment the electric arousal is increased. The doctor may revise your prescription. 3. After a few treatments, you should start to feel full more quickly than you used to. 4. After the 10th treatment you should take a two-week break to focus on your exercise and diet plan.
It takes time for your body to modify to acupuncture for weight loss. But patients have reported that with patience, food craving and overeating do disappear. Mouth area – for the impulsive eater who may smoke cigarettes a lot and talk a lot also. Stomach – for the person who eats even after they’re full or who’s constantly nibbling.
Lung – for food addicts, and folks who love delicious chocolate, sweets. Endocrine – for fluid retention that’s accountable for some of the putting on weight. Adrenal and Ovary – if putting on weight is due to menopause or P.M.S. Spleen – for sugars imbalances and hormonal disruptions. Kidney – for fluid retention, and nervous system and hormonal imbalances.
Thyroid – for gradual metabolism. Be warned though, some doctors do not think that acupuncture for weight loss alone is enough to have weight loss. Medical studies show that daily exercise, diet choices and dealing with food issues are an important area of the process. Additionally it is suggested that you find a doctor who is certified by the National Certification Commission For Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) for acupuncture for weight reduction. The cost for weight loss acupuncture treatment varies. 80. Physicians charge more than doctor rather than all insurance companies cover treatment. Common side results from acupuncture weight for loss include dizziness, headaches and nausea.