Why A Web Site Matters

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If you are a musician, musician, songwriter, or doing any type of business in music and ministry, you know you need a website probably. It’s one of the first questions I ask any artist/songwriter that comes to talk with us, mainly because it’s a very good sign of how serious they have been with their music to this point. Your website is your home base.

Even if you have a Facebook Fan Page, dedicated music account Twitter, or Instagram, your web site trumps most of them. It’s the way the world discovers you. Directly after we finish a project for any artists, main things we do is reach work on the internet site. We use the same graphics from the album, and we configure for some basic webpages.

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This should be a one stop web page for anything someone might need to know about your music and ministry. It doesn’t need 100 options, and shouldn’t have that lots of. It shall have your graphic identification that you’re presenting with your music (your Compact disc art, or artwork for online distribution). It shall likewise have quick links to public mass media accounts, a brief bit of text announcing who you are, and a menu for the next.

This is the storyplot of your music and ministry. Many people just wish to know who you are and where you came from. What was the impetus for you to start making music, and just why should they pay attention to you? That’s where your story will take center stage and why we work so difficult from day someone to help you create that narrative. Well, duh. What good would a music web site be without music?

We can put either a Soundcloud player or CDBaby store widget here so people can sample the goods. You spent an adequate amount on your photoshoot likely, why not showcase those great photos? You might have two galleries even, one displaying your studio capture, and one featuring shots of your home is and with fans. If you are so inclined, a blog that features regular posts is really nice and keeps people coming back to your site. You can also use this part on the house page which means that your site looks fresh with regularly posted content. That is important just in case anyone desires to actually buy a CD or download.

We also guide people to your music on Spotify or Apple Music if they’re looking for streaming options. This may be the most important part of a web site, a page where people can contact you and book you for gigs, or simply let you know they appreciate your ministry. You will find other optional pages like video, testimonials, and perhaps a plan web page if you enough get busy.